03 August 2007

Does this statement really appeal to anyone?

So, I like to lump Mike Huckabee, Tom Tancredo, and Sam Brownback together as the same candidate, because they clearly engage in the same style of pandering to the churches on the conservative end of the political spectrum. Of course, the Rev. Tim Rude informs me that their differences are more apparent than I initially perceived.

Returning to the title of this post, I am stunned to see that someone with such religious conviction as Tom Tancredo would be wearing
horse-blinders with regard to the sensitivity of 1/5 of the world's population, including at least 1 million of his fellow citizens. It just sounds like someone didn't deal well with bullies growing up.

Hurry up with the straw poll and the caucuses. I want these three to go away. I can deal with McCain, Thompson, Romney, and Giuliani. Oh, and Ron Paul, too. Libertarians are amusing.

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At 8/8/07 20:34, Blogger Peter said...

Mitt Romney is the worst, in my opinion. At least the other candidates are honest about who they are. Romney is whomever he thinks his audience wants him to be. He tries way too hard to act "conservative" now that he's running for president. His campaign slogan ought to be, "Look at me! I'm conservative! No, really, I am! I am really, really conservative! OK, maybe I wasn't really before, but...now I am!! Really, now I'm conservative. Did I mention I'm conservative?!"

And I wouldn't put it past Romney to make a remark similar to that of Tancredo - if for no other reason than to make people forget for just a little bit longer that he was once governor of (gasp!) Massachusetts!


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