10 October 2005

Blue Collar TV is like Red Green written by...well, Jeff Foxworthy

I felt that My Name is Earl deserved some more discussion. This is seriously an intelligent, funny show. The main characters may be total rednecks, but there is some real heart, sincerity, and, dare I say, believability with the show. Lee, Suplee, and Pressly all do an admirable job on the show, and it's always good to see Catalina and Darnell, a.k.a. "Crab Man."

It's on Tuesdays. On NBC. At 8 (if you are not in CT, you can look it up yourself, lazy). Y'know, that network that still wheels out Will & Grace, and won't give me my Scrubs (totally unbelievable, but I love it anyways) fix until mid-season?

Oh yeah, and The US Office is on afterwards. Greg Daniels did a fine job translating the show. As for the actual series, I could say the obvious, but it's still entertaining. Dwight (and you can guess who that character is in Slough) is always funny.

OK, I keep forgetting about Everybody Hates Chris. That has to change.


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