07 March 2006

News and Notes

So, I was listening to both volumes of the Trainspotting soundtrack while driving this weekend, and I made some pointless observations.

I think I like #2 more than the original, considering "The Passenger" isn't as overplayed as "Lust For Life," along some other underrated fare ("Think About The Way" and "Atmosphere" come to mind). Plus, considering it was $5 at BMG Music Service, it was a pretty swell buy.

I think my favorite "The System, is Down" song would have to be Underworld's "Dark and Long (Dark Train Mix)," closely followed by "Born Slippy," Daft Punk's "Superheroes," "Digital Love," and Zombie. Zombie. Zombie Nation...

LCD Soundsystem. Good stuff.

It's Just horrible thAt I would forget the blog written bY the former maNagEr of UI Quiz BoWl, because IT is clever, concise, and I Have it in my bOokmarks. I don't know what coUld possess me To forget her Page, even though she stIll can'T change the format to add links of her own (including mY own site). So, that rectifies that.


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