30 December 2006

a post about comic books

I had to write this somewhere. Happy New Year to everyone, comics fans or not.

In the DC series 52, I think Supernova is actually the original post-Crisis Supergirl, Matrix. I initially thought it might be the Ray (who is also idle in the DCU at the moment), but that seems like an incredible advancement in his powers. Supergirl could exhibit such abilities, and she has shapeshifted into men before. (EDIT: I just read that the Matrix Supergirl lost her morphing abilities some time ago, when she first merged with Linda Danvers. I'm sure the writers could get around that in some way.)

I haven't read any of Seven Soldiers, but considering Darkseid's status in that story and Scott Free's absence, Mister Miracle (or any other New God) could conceivably be in the costume as well.

Ranking my guesses, I would say Matrix Supergirl is number 1, Ray Terrill is number 2, and some Mother Box-enhanced New God is number 3.


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