07 February 2008

A morbid speculation, a conspiracy theory, an honest question (and answer)


I know the country is better now, but I still think if Sen. Obama gets elected, there's bound to be an assassination attempt. Heck, there might be, even if Sen. Clinton gets the nomination. This pessimism was bolstered by Obama being called a "black Kennedy" in Doonesbury. Sigh.

So, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Pat Buchanan, et al. have been questioning Sen. McCain's conservatism lately. As opposed to the Mitt Romney's vacillating opinions from the last fifteen years. What if they are doing it to make him more palatable in the general election? They certainly know how uncommitted voters respond to their brand of vitriol. Has reverse psychology been used at other times in politcal history?

Will these United States ever elect another fat President? (No.)



At 14/2/08 23:45, Blogger Peter said...

Yeah, I was wondering why they (Coulter, Limbaugh, etc.) didn't target Romney for his inconsistencies. I think you're right - it must be reverse psychology.


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