Every morning is an adventure (it builds character)
People of my generation (whippersnappers) often joke about people of previous generations (old or dead) and their arduous trips to school, where, apparently, everyone lived at least five miles away, and the school was on the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. In particular, I always enjoyed how the home happened to transpose locations with the school and was now on said summit.
After a couple months on the bike, I joke no more about "Uphill. Both ways."
You see, the key to the story is you go uphill and downhill each way. You never remember the easy parts.
Here's my question: was flooding such a danger that these buildings all had to be at the top of the hill? I'll never understand history.
So, I didn't die during my seminar talk...
...but I learned that, like most Americans, I fear public speaking more than death. Of course, those two hours of sleep didn't help very much either.Anyways, here is my submission for the stupidest word I've heard this year: "falsity." As in, "truth or falsity." Ugh. It sounds like somebody forgot the words "validity" and "veracity" existed, and then forcefed this gem down Noah Webster's throat.If you want another example of why scientists can't speak English, not only did someone say "nucular" today, they also said "nuculei" (the plural for nucleus).In other news, I saw "The Departed" last week. Sweet. I'm convinced Mark Wahlberg was only hired because he's from Southie (although he did great).
In pointless Sox news, I will never forget the game times on weekdays next season. Heh. I also didn't know 7-Eleven recently acquired White Hen Pantry. Interesting (to people from the Chicago area)...