13 August 2008

My God! My God!

It looks like Jim Leach, the former representative of Iowa City's congressional district, has bucked party lines again to support Barack Obama and to try to persuade Chuck Hagel to join his side.

Considering Joe Lieberman's continued support of John McCain as well, I was really getting a WCW vs. nWo vibe from all of this. It seemed like Hagel was just sitting in the catwalk with Crow-ripoff makeup, observing the carnage and betrayal below. I would go further with this, but since I have a hard time remembering which stable I liked more 10 years ago, as well as which side was properly face (see: Wolfpac vs. Hollywood), I will leave this for Salieri if he is interested.

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04 August 2008

Please leave a message

Gilmore Girls Guy can't come to the blog right now, because he's going to finish his master's thesis first. For an update, he just moved in with the Pookman recently, and he is going to the Great Taste of the Midwest in Madison this weekend. He will return to his sporadic complaints and random, dorky notes eventually. Ciao for now.