28 March 2008

I hope Bibguy catches the reference

While wasting time in between reading research articles, I finally looked at the "Heroes" viral marketing site, "Activating Evolution," set up as Dr. Suresh's research website. On there, there is a very crisp color photo of his sister, who died of the show's version of the Legacy Virus about 30 years ago. Comparably, the only photo he has of his father is in black and white. Couldn't they have tried to age the girl's photo? Don't they know how nitpicky the fans of this show would be?

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26 March 2008

I finally use "titular" in a blog post

Tonight's episode of South Park destroyed me. This "very special episode" completely blew away Family Guy's treatment of frog-licking. Having all the "Heavy Metal" segments with the titular "Major Boobage" was icing on the cake.

But no, they decided to add the a la mode with, of all things, a parody of "Diary of a Young Girl."

I was thinking this season was slightly weak, but now I know. They were biding their time.

P.S. Great Silda Spitzer reference.


21 March 2008

Everybody's got 'em, and they all stink

It's so strange not doing a tournament pool this year. Seattle will do that for you. Also, I have been playing catch-up when I have been tourist-ing, because I wasn't prepared to deal with all the TA responsibilities I had in the week before spring break.

I did catch the end of Belmont-Duke this evening. That was entertaining, until the inevitable, at least.

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02 March 2008

A timeline

My drop-dead date for graduation in May is March 28. I have to schedule a final oral examination by then (three weeks in advance), which I presume means I have to have a thesis draft in my committee's hands by that date as well.

Failing that, I have to have my final oral examination by May 19 (scheduled in the last week of April), lest I have to register for classes in the summer. If I have to do that, I probably won't have a teaching assistantship waiting for me, which means no in-state tuition waiver, no tuition covered by the graduate college, and no tuition covered by the department.

Is it getting warm in here?

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